New Feature: Case Law Search By Case Number
New Feature - Judge linking (Currently in SC and Punjab)
New Feature: VAT Finder
New Module on Site: Competition Laws
Listen Case Note
PDF Replica (BETA)
Five new Commentaries added on the web site
Notification/ Circulars Referred
Court Forms Introduced
Read Notes (Digest Plus) |
New Commentaries on site |
Manupatra introduces Interactive Timeline/ Authority Check (Beta) |
Legal Search: Search by citation |
Judgment Search by Selecting Bench |
A Module on Power And Energy (July 04, 2008) |
Searching latest Notifications and Circulars now made faster |
New feature on Case Law search by selecting Court Bench (February 22, 2008) |
New Module on Insurance |
Orders of the Appellate Tribunal For Electricity (APTEL) since inception |
Pre-1950 Judgments Available Now on Site |
More Accident and Compensation Cases added on site |
Introducing Constituent Assembly Debates |
Latest Commentaries on site |
Legal Summary on Income Tax Act |
Circulars and Procedures on Companies Act |
More Equivalent Citations |
Orders of the CENTRAL INFORMATION COMMISSION (October 2006) |
Case Note Search Field in Legal Search (September 2006) |
MY NOTE PAD - New Feature (July 2006) |
New Feature: Case Law Search By Case Number
About the feature: User can search case by entering the Case Number.
How it works:
- Click Legal Search
- Third option as appearing under Miscellaneous Searches (Right frame of Legal Search Window) – under the heading: “Case law search by case number”
- Click on Case law search by case number

- Click will take the user to following options viz., Select Court, Enter Case Number (it should always be in desired format – eg. 1/2010). User may enter the date of decision.

Results: There may be multiple results against the case number entered. The User can identify the case he is looking for.
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New Feature - Judge linking (Currently in SC and Punjab)
New Feature: Hyperlinking in Judge template
Availability: Currently in Supreme Court Data
Objective: Display all the cases (can be further sorted by subject) across the data base including High Court and Tribunal, wherever Judgment was pronounced by the said Judge. Eg. You can look for all the pronouncements given by CJI while in SC or High Courts wherever he served as judge (subject to availability of judgment in our database).
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New Feature: VAT Finder
New Feature: VAT Finder
About the feature: User by virtue of this feature now can compare the rate of VAT on various items across the country also can view list of various items and prevailing rate against them state-wise.
Location of feature: View II – In the module node containing Direct Taxation/ Indirect Taxation
How it works: Select the module Value Added Tax and click on the Table of Content. Following page will appear on the right frame:
Scroll down the table of content till you find VAT Finder:
Click on VAT Finder will open the following page. You can select your mode of search i.e. either State wise or Item wise.
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New Module on Site: Competition Laws
A New Module has been added on the website on "Competition Laws" available in View II featuring in the node containing corporate law module. The coverage of Competition Laws module is as under:
- Overview
- Competition Laws :India
- Acts/Rules/Notifications
- Indian Cases
- International Competition Laws
- United States
- United Kingdom
- European Union
- International Agreements and Guidelines
- Comparative Study: Competition Laws of India, US, UK and EU with important Case laws
- International Cases
- Articles
- FAQs
- Reports
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Listen Case Note
About the Feature:
User by virtue of this feature now instead of spending time on reading the text of case note, can listen to the same.
How it works:
- From the options appearing at the top of judgment document i.e
Prev Match Next Match Clear Highlights Print PDF My Notepad Listen Casenote
Click on “Listen Casenote”. (Image A)
Incase speaker in the user’s machine is not enabled, a message will flash asking user to enable the speaker device. (Image B)
A security-warning window will appear giving option to either save or run. Click on Run. (Image C)
A pop-up window giving option to read/ exit will appear through which user may listen to the text of case note. (Image D)
Incase no case note available, a message will flash – “Case Note not found”. (Image E)
- System needs to be sound enabled
Images (A to E):
Image A:
Image B:
Image C:
Image D:
Image E:
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PDF Replica
New Feature (Beta): PDF Replica (You may view the files against MANU/SC/0003/2009 and MANU/SC/0034/2009). In the first phase whatever cases we have reported in the year 2009 in UJ, BLR, MIPR, ELRm BLJR and ECR shall be put in place followed by Year 2008. The image/ button visible now, soon will be replaced by image of journals' cover.
About the Feature:
This will provide user a facility to take the print out of such case available online and also reported in any of Manupatra’s journal in its original form (replica).
This will serve as an important utility tool to user (practicing lawyers in particular). Alongwith the pleadings or during arguments, cases are cited before the Court. If lawyer wants to give JOURNALS’ photocopy, what he just needs to do is to click and take the print out of JOURNAL REPLICA.
How it works:
I. Please refer to below image A:
i. On the right corner, there will be a button-bearing name of the journal for which replica file in PDF format is provided. It pertains to manu ID (case) as appearing at its usual place, reported in UJ.
ii. Click on the above link/ button, will open a pop-up window (Refer Image B).

Image A
II. Please refer to below image B:
i. Pop-up window showing the replica of manu ID reported in UJ Journal in PDF Format. Pop-up can be maximized in full page (Refer Image C).
ii. Only Print outs can be taken. Text cannot be copied from PDF.

Image B

Image C
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Five new Commentaries added on the web site
Five new Commentaries on following acts added on the web site:
- Consumer Protection Act
- Indian Contract Act
- Specific Relief Act
- Indian Stamp Act
- Industrial Dispute Act
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Notification/ Circulars Referred
A new feature has been added in the Notification and Circulars section of the website.
- In the templates of Notification/ Circulars, a new template has been inserted i.e. Notifications/ Circulars Referred. All the notifications mentioned within the body text have been shown in this template and is hyperlinked.
- Another template added below this is “Referred In”, click on which will take the user to all such notification/ text, where else these have been referred.

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Court Forms Introduced
A new section has been added on the website in the viz., Court Forms. This feature is available under the Stamp duty Node.
- Click on Court Form (Image A) will open a TOC for the user displaying State wise applicable Forms in PDF format (fill able) and also in vernacular (non-fill able). (Refer Image B and C).

Image A

Image B

Image C
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Read Notes (Digest Plus)
A new feature has been added on the website i.e. Digest Plus under the heading – "Read Notes”. This feature is available as a value adds to the Central Bare Acts. Currently, this is available in following Bare Acts:
- Hindu Marriage Act
- Hindu Succession Act
- Industrial Disputes Act
Soon this feature will also be available in following Bare Acts:
Transfer of Property Act, Workmen Compensation Act, Constitution of India, Code of Criminal Procedure, Evidence Act and Consumer Protection Act
Utility: This may be called a refined or enhanced digest on a particular subject. Instead of enlisting all the cases on a particular statutory provision it displays most near and appropriate case law in our data base vis-à-vis statutory provision.
How does it work?
- Select Bare Act from the Act TOC. Eg. – Hindu Marriage Act (Image A).

Image A
- Select section from the Act. Eg. – Section 3 (Image B).

Image B
- Scroll down the pop-up window of Section 3. A button at bottom (right corner) will appeal with the name – Read Notes (Image C).

Image C
- A Pop-up window with the title “Notes” will appear displaying the selected and most appropriate case in form of gist. User can read the entire case law by clicking on the title. (Image D)

Image D
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New Commentaries on site
1. Negotiable Instruments Act
2. Court Fees Act
3. Suits Valuation Act
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Manupatra introduces Interactive Timeline/ Authority Check (Beta)
The Interactive Time line makes it easy to pick out the best cases from a large collection of results by displaying cases in an intuitive graphical format.
How does it work?: The feature can be seen alongwith the search results, by clicking on the green button that appears under the heading - "Authority Check".
The size of the Bubble corresponds to the number of times the case is cited on the entire Case Law database. The bigger a bubble is, the more number of times it is cited and if smaller, it means being cited on lesser occasions.

The Interactive Timeline/ Authority Check only shows results from our database.
About the feature:
- Vertical Axis displays list of Courts viz., Supreme Court, Selected High Courts and Other High Courts in 'Others' category.
- Horizontal Axis displays year range in which case has been further cited.
- By rolling and holding mouse over a bubble, one can view extract of the case and no. of times it has been cited further.
- Citation Summary shows how many times case has been cited, in total and separately in Supreme Court and High Courts respectively
- One can view the complete text of search results by clicking the title as appearing in the result. By default only twenty results are displayed, sorted by decision date with an option to view all or in slabs by selecting numbers.
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Legal Search: Search by citation
Eg. Query on: 2008 (56) BLJR 786
If user knows only the journal’s name and may be year or volume and not the page number, he can simply select the publisher and year or also volume number, whatever he remembers or knows and thereafter by clicking a list will appear giving all the cases reported in the volume of the journal selected by the user.
Incase user does not even know the volume but knows the year he will get all the cases reported in that particular year.
Further: If user puts cursor on the publisher citation and if there are other citations available, a box will appear giving other citations reporting the said case.
The below screen shot gives an example on AIR.
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The Module features various dates and related forms statutorily fixed for compliance under statutes viz. Company Laws, Labour Laws, Security Laws and Taxation Laws.
The Module has been added in the fourth node available by clicking View – II of the website
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Judgment Search by Selecting Bench
The user can now look for the judgments on various available subject categories by refining it to the extent of bench pronouncing the same. Meaning thereby, whether the judgment was pronounced by single bench or division bench or the full bench (as the case may be), the selection can be done by the user by narrowing it to the extent of specific subject and by further doing the free text search.
The requisite steps are given as under:
A. Step 1

B. Step 2

C. Step 3

A. Step 1 (Screen-Shot 1)
Till now search option was restricted to selection of Court and Bench with an additional option of name.
Now, one can search by choosing the subject.
B. Step 2 (Screen-Shot 2)
Result under the desired subject and Court will appear on screen with option to do free text search by selecting all or any/ few judgments.
C. Step 3 (Screen-Shot 3)
Desired result appears on the site.
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A Module on Power And Energy (July 04, 2008)
The currently available content features of the module are enlisted as under:
• Introduction
• Legislations
• Acts
• Rules
• Notifications
• Foreign Direct Investment
• Policies and Procedures
• Committee Reports
• Annual Reports of power
• International Documents (Treaties, agreements and Conventions)
• Guidelines/ Schemes/ Orders
• Articles
Supreme Court, All High Courts, Appellate Tribunal for Electricity and Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Notifications & Circulars:
Ministry of Power
Ministry of Coal
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Department of Atomic Energy

Module has been added in the first node of covering Antidumping, WTO and Arbitration

The Module covers an independent node on case laws decided by Supreme Court, High Courts and Tribunals viz. APTEl & CERC
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Searching latest Notifications and Circulars now made faster
Notifications and Circulars for year 2008 are now available in a separate node under the section of Notification and Circular section on the site.
A separate node for the year 2008 also enables you to search through the latest notifications alone.

Third node of Notifications and Circulars – “2008 and onwards”
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New feature on Case Law search by selecting Court Bench (February 22, 2008)
About the feature:
We have a new feature enabling user to refine case law search on the basis of bench (based on number of judge (s) constituting it) delivering the judgment. The feature appears in the legal search available at the personalized home page of the site.
A. Select by Bench – User to click on the link appearing as "Case Laws by Selecting Bench".
B. Click on link as shown above will display following four options:
i. Select bench from the drop-down under – “Select Bench” i.e. Single bench/Division Bench or Full or larger bench;
ii. Select Court from the drop-down under – “Select Court”;
iii. Select Subject from the drop-down under – “Select Subject”; AND/OR
iv. You may enter name of judge in full or part
Based on above selections, by click on the search button will display the list of cases decided by the Court vis-à-vis Bench.
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New Module on Insurance
We have introduced a new module on Insurance. This new module appears under the Forex & Banking node. The caselaws appear under the sub-node Insurance Cases.
The Salient Features of the module are:
• Legislative Enactments, Rules and Regulations, Forms, Annual and other Committee Reports.
• IRDA Circulars/Notifications from 2000 to till date.
• IRDA press release.
• Important International Case Laws related to Life Insurance, Marine Insurance, Motor Insurance, General Insurance and Re-insurance.
• CASE LAWS of Supreme Court of India and High Courts from inception to till date.
• Actuaries regulations, circulars and notices
• Guidelines related to Insurance
• Third Party Administrator Regulations and Circulars
• Service Tax Provisions related to Insurance
• International Articles on Insurance
Content Highlights:
• Cross-referencing - Amendments in Acts, Rules and Forms are cross-referenced with hypertext. All the amendments are given by way of a footnote, which gives its prior history for reference.
• All Important and relevant information is listed topic wise on one page enabling the user to identify and jump to the documents directly.
• Forms are made available separately as well as with rules and regulations section. All forms are available in PDF format.
• Editorial Enhancements - Most of judgments of Supreme Court are editorially enhanced in form of hyper linking of judgments; following of HC cases in SC in form of Case Status; Marking of overruled cases; having Case Notes and availability of Catch words in 100% judgments.
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Orders of the Appellate Tribunal For Electricity (APTEL)
Manupatra database now covers Orders of the Appellate Tribunal For
Electricity (APTEL) from date of inception. The significant Judgments/Orders have
been reported in full with Case Notes, while the less significant ones
with no proposition of law have been reported in a Summarised version
A new node has been added by the name Appellate Tribunal for Electricity,
and has been clubbed with the node for judgments of the Authority for
Advance Rulings, CEGAT/CESTAT, CERC, STT & TDSAT and orders covered are
from 2005 |
By virtue of Section 110 of The Electricity Act, 2003, Appellate Tribunal
for Electricity [APTEL] was established by the Ministry of Power,
Government of India w.e.f. 7th April, 2004. The Tribunal, consisting of a
Chairperson, one Judicial member and two technical members, has
jurisdiction through out India and hears appeals or original petitions
against the orders of the Adjudicating officer or The Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission or State Electricity Regulatory Commission or Joint
Commission constituted respectively under the relevant provisions of the
Act of 2003. The Tribunal has been conferred with original jurisdiction
to hear petitions under Section 121 of the Act and issue directions to
all Commissions for the performance of its statutory functions. |
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Pre-1950 Judgments Available Now on Site
Judgments pertaining to period before 1950 are now available through search option. The courts covered for this period include: Allahabad, Calcutta, Nagpur, Oudh, Federal Court, Privy Council. Besides more judgments have been added in the Bombay & Madras high courts. Now, Bombay High Court covers judgments from 1879 to till date and Madras High Court covers judgments from 1867 to till date.
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More Accident and Compensation Cases added on site
About 4000 Accident and Compensation cases under the subject Insurance have been added in various courts on the site.
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Introducing Constituent Assembly Debates
We have introduced The Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD) on our site. These debates span over 12 volumes all of which are available online.
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Commentaries now available on site
1. Arbitration Act |
2. Code of Civil Procedure |
3. Code of Criminal Procedure |
4. Companies Act |
5. Constitution of India |
6. Factories Act |
7. Indian Evidence Act |
8. Income Tax Act |
9. Limitation Act |
10. Workmen Compensation Act |
Commentary can be accessed by clicking a link pertaining to provision of the act, appearing in the text of judgment. Clicking on the link will take the user to a pop-up window giving an option to view either the Bare Act or the Commentary.
Eg. |
Follow the steps list down as under: |
1. Log in to the site. |
2. Look for “CPC” in the manu search and further refine your search by "Section 151”.
The following result will be displayed: |
3. Click on the first result i.e. Binapani Kar Chowdhury vs. Sri Satyabrata Basu and Anr. (16.05.2006 - SC)
B.P. Singh, J. |
1. This appeal, by special leave, is directed against the judgment and order of the High Court of Judicature at Calcutta in C.O. No. 197 of 2002 whereby the High Court while disposing of the revision preferred by the appellant herein directed that the suit shall not proceed till such time as the Will said to have been executed by Avarani Bose was not probated. |
2. The facts relevant for the disposal of this appeal as stated by the appellant are as follows: |
2.1) Late Avarani Bose was the owner of the suit property. The said Avarani Bose executed a registered sale deed in her favour on 23.12.1994 in respect of the suit property. The appellant resides in the first floor. |
2.2) The said Avarani Rose tiled Title Suit No. 10 of 1995 in the Court of Civil Judge, (Sr. Division), 8th Court, Alipore for declaration of title in respect of the suit property and for recovery of possession and injunction with respect to first floor of the suit property claiming that she had never sold the suit property to the appellant. The appellant who was defendant No. 1 in the suit, controverted the allegations in the plaint and asserted that the property was in fact sold to her by the said Avarani Rose on 23.12.1994, and that sale deed was valid and binding on the vendor. The core issue in the suit is whether the said Avarani Rose had sold the suit property by a valid registered sale deed executed on 23.12.1994 in favour of the appellant. |
2.3) The said Avarani Bose died on 13.11.1997. An application was filed under Order XXII Rule 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure (for short 'CPC) by respondent No. 1 herein claiming substitution as the legal representative of the deceased plaintiff on the basis of a Will dated 16.5.1996 said to have been executed in his favour by Avarani Bose. He claimed to be the executor and legatee under the said will. The Appellant admits that the first respondent is in possession of a portion of the ground floor of the suit property. (The first Respondent claimed that he was in possession in his own right whereas the appellant claimed that he was the tenant of the ground floor). None else sought to come on record as the Legal Representative of Avarani Rose. Though, the appellant herein objected to the substitution of respondent. No. 1 as legal representative of deceased plaintiff, her objections were rejected and respondent No. 1 was brought on record as the legal representative of Avarani Bose. |
2.4) Tough the recording of evidence in the suit has been completed, the court has not proceeded to hear arguments and dispose of the suit, in view of the pendency of the probate proceeding, initiated by the first respondent in regard to the will of Avarani Bose. As the matter was pending for long, on 5.10.2001, the appellant tiled an application under Section 151 of CPC before the trial court praying that the court may proceed with the hearing and decide the suit. |
4. At sub para 2.4 pls. look at the text highlighted i.e. section 151. |
5. Clicking on section 151 , will take the user to a pop-up window i.e. |
TO |
6. As can be seen above, there are two boxes appearing viz. BARE ACTS and COMMENTARY .Clicking on either of the two will take the user to the desired destination. |
7. One can view the Commentary by directly clicking on the requisite button OR can get redirected to commentary through Bare Act section also, where the provision to view the Commentary of the respective section is available through a click button. |
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Legal Summary on Income Tax Act
Legal Summary gives a brief outline on the various provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and gist of the case laws with equivalent citations in support thereof. This is the latest value enhancement created for the users apart from the feature on digest. |
Legal Summary can be accessed through Bare Act or Judgments. |
Through Bare Act: |
Follow the steps enlisted as under: |
1. Click on the Income Tax Act from the list of acts. Click will take the user to the following page. |
2. Click on the desired section. Eg. Section 10 of the Act. Click will open the following pop-up window, shown as under: |
Legal Summary
3. Click on Legal summary will take the user to the following page: |
4. The user from the above shown pop-up window can view the legal summary on the relevant provision of the act. |
Through Judgment: |
The user can also view the above feature of legal summary through judgment. |
Follow the steps enlisted as under: |
1. Look for judgment bearing subject of Direct Taxation. |
Eg: |
The case decided by Supreme Court, titled as under: |
S.A. Builders Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals), Chandigarh and Anr.
(MANU/SC/8798/2006) |
2. Once the above judgment appears on the screen, look for the provisions of Income Tax Act discussed in the judgment itself. The said provision wherever appearing will be carrying a hyper-link. |
Section 36(1)(ii) |
3. Click on the above section will take the user to the pop-up window in the same manner as has been shown in the case of access through bare Act. |
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Circulars and Procedures on Companies Act
1. Circulars and Procedures on Companies Act, 1956 – Under this new feature, user is given the option to view section wise circulars, procedure, digest and commentary from one single window. The feature as has been made available is just a click away from the user. The Circular section is under the process of updation. |
2. Click on the Companies Act, 1956 from the list of acts. Click will take the user to the section wise table of content. Click on any of the section will take the user the below shown pop-up window. |
Eg. Click on section 2 of the Act. The following window will appear, containing features explained thereunder: |

Procedure Digest
More Equivalent Citations |
The Manupatra citation database now enhanced with the additional citations of the following journals : |
Andhra Law Times –
Criminal (ALT)
Andhra Legal Decisions
– Criminal (ALD)
Gujarat Law Reporter (GLR)
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Manupatra database now covers Orders of the CENTRAL INFORMATION COMMISSION (CIC). |
Under the Tribunals & Commissions a new database called CENTRAL INFORMATION COMMISSION has been added. |
CIC has come into existence since 2006 and the orders covered are from date of inception. |
A Brief |
Central Information Commission has been constituted by the Central Government through a Gazette Notification, and it includes one Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) and not more than 10 Information Commissioners (IC) who will be appointed by the President of India. The Commission as per section 12 of the RTI act will exercise its powers without being subjected to directions by any other authority. |
Key Terms |
Information as defined under section 2(f) of the RTI Act means any material in any form including records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force. |
Right to Information includes the right to inspect works, documents, records, take notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records, take certified samples of material, obtain information in form of printouts, diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts.[Section 2(j)] |
Third party means a person other than the citizen making a request for information and includes a public authority. Third parties have a right to be heard in respect of applications and appeals dealing with information submitted by them to the Government in confidence. [S.2 (n) and S.11] |
The TIME LIMIT to get the information is: |
- 30 days from the date of application |
- 48 hours for information concerning the life and liberty of a person |
- 5 days shall be added to the above response time, in case the application for information is given to Assistant Public Information
Officer - If the interests of a third party are involved then time limit will be 40 days (maximum period + time given to the party to make
representation). |
- Failure to provide information within the specified period is a deemed refusal. |
Appellate Authorities: |
First Appeal: First appeal to the officer senior in rank to the PIO in the concerned Public Authority within 30 days from the expiry of the prescribed time limit or from the receipt of the decision (delay may be condoned by the Appellate Authority if sufficient cause is shown). |
Second Appeal: Second appeal to the Central Information Commission or the State Information Commission as the case may be, within 90 days of the date on which the decision was given or should have been made by the First Appellate Authority. (delay may be condoned by the Commission if sufficient cause is shown). |
Third Party appeal against PIO's decision must be filed within 30 days before first Appellate Authority; and, within 90 days of the decision on the first appeal, before the appropriate Information Commission which is the second appellate authority. |
Burden of proving that denial of Information was justified lies with the PIO. |
First Appeal shall be disposed of within 30 days from the date of its receipt. Period extendable by 15 days if necessary. (S.19) |
Jurisdiction of Courts |
Lower Courts are barred from entertaining suits or applications against any order made under this Act. (S.23) However, the writ jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and High Courts under Articles 32 and 225 of the Constitution remains unaffected. |
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Case Note Search Field in Legal Search |
Dear Subscriber, |
We are pleased to inform you that we have introduced an additional case note search field in the legal Search. |
With the help of this additional search field, now a text search specifically within head notes only, is also possible. |
Steps for utilizing this feature are as follows: |
1. Login to www.manupatra.com |
2. Select the desired Court(s) in the TOC list. |
3. Click on Legal Search. |
4. Scroll the displayed page to find CASENOTE SEARCH. |
5. Now enter a text in Text to Search field and click on Search button to get desired result. |
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My NotePad
This service is “My Notepad”. |
About the utility – “My Notepad”: |
The above utility will enable the user to make personal notes pertaining to a document being viewed by him, on that very particular page, which can be used for later reference. |
Location of the above utility “My Notepad” on site”: |
My Notepad |
How to use the utility: |
Open a document to be viewed e.g. Judgment. |
While going through the content of the document, a user wants to take down some notes, jot personal comments or references
pertaining to that document, he can do so by clicking on “My Notepad”, shown as above. |
A page will appear with an option given at the right –“Add to my notepad”. |
Click on “Add to my notepad” will take the user to the following note page. The above note page gives two spaces to be used
for write up viz., Title and Text page, where the user can fill in the requisite details. The note page comes with the enhanced editing
features like font selection, bold, italics, underline, left align , right align , centering, bullets, do undo etc. |
Once the user gets over with the writing of notes, he needs to click on “submit” button, which will result into automatic saving of the
prepared note. |
Any number of such notes can be prepared and stored on that particular page.(Maximum quota 1MB) |
Later once the user opens that particular document, the screen will have the following Icon as well as Option for Add to my notepad. |
The click on the above Icon will open the note page previously added by the user. |
Advantages: |
1) Facility of taking down notes or adding comments pertaining to a particular document online for future reference, and that to on the very
same page. |
2) No need of maintaining a separate physical note book. |
3) No limitation on the number of note pages which can be created and stored under individual titles on a particular page, within 1MB quota. |
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